Let’s start 2012 with a jokey post. Now, of course all these airlines below are wonderful, professional and safe. But air travel is a stressful experience and it has been the butt of jokes, comedy films and satirical TV series, maybe out of our desire to laugh in the face of fear. So, in the […]
The Top 12 Films with Laughably Wrong Geography
Last night I watched The Omen (1976) for the first time and was quite surprised at what passed for horror in the 1970s as well as how tinny the cars looked. But what made me sit up and tweet my dismay was the assertion that Megiddo (Biblical Armageddon) was south of Jerusalem. Well, I thought […]
Why is Coffee so Expensive in Greece?
I was going to write about tax evasion, but a combative reader raised some valid points in a comment in the previous article of which one – that of productivity – deserves a post of its own. I’m glad that I can talk about this, because I can also answer a question many tourists keep […]